Occupational Accident Insurance

Occupational Accident Insurance Quotes

Medical coverage and your income. And another important matter.

Who wouldn’t want their income insured? Insuremart is a favorite of independent contractors because our agents understand the importance of quality coverage for those who choose to be self-employed. That includes considering the often overlooked and misunderstood occupational accident coverage.

Occupational accident coverage kicks in if you are injured while working. It will cover medical costs and lost income, and provide death benefits if the unfortunate were to occur. It can be purchased as a stand-alone product or as a worthy upgrade to your general liability and professional liability coverage.

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insurance carriers

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Being self-employed means no Workers’ Comp. What if you get hurt on the job?

What’s typically covered, and what are the limits?

  • Medical Expenses: Most insureds will fall between $25,000-$100,000 yearly limits. Your profession and budget will help determine your limit. 
  • Weekly Disability Payments: Payments of $500 per week up to several thousand are available. You can select an amount up to your current income.
  • Accidental Death Benefit: Common payout options vary from $50,000 to $250,000+. Cash payouts are the most common.

How much does occupational accident insurance cost?

Good to know: Insuremart works with over 100 insurance carriers. Nothing gives you an advantage when buying Occupational Accident insurance — or any insurance — like a great agent and more options. Talk to our agents.

One-person, minimum limits, you should expect to pay:

  • Lower risk jobs: Will start around $25-$50 per month.
  • Higher risk jobs: Could easily exceed $100+ per month.

If your job is dangerous, like sometimes you work on a ladder at second-story levels or higher, or work with power tools all day, you should consider occupational accident insurance and inquire about higher limits on the medical side. You should also expect to fall in the category of higher risk jobs.

Examples of lower risk would be consultants or real estate agents, and those who work primarily from a home office.

Insurance is about risk management. The more dangerous your job, the more information you should have about risk and coverage. At that point, you get to decide what fits. And that includes your budget.

Get an Occupational Accident insurance quote from Insuremart right now. Our agents are ready to help.