Proper mirror usage helps reduce the risk of crashes

Mirrors are an essential piece of safety equipment. A skilled driver knows how to use mirrors to help manage the space around the truck and avoid crashes while changing lanes, backing, turning, and during startups. Read the information below and ask yourself if there are actions you can take to improve your driving skills, by using your truck’s mirrors more effectively, to help reduce the risk of a crash.

Pre-trip vehicle inspection

Before operating your truck, inspect the mirrors for the following:

  • Broken or defective parts.
  • Secure attachment to the tractor.
  • Proper alignment.
  • Cleanliness.

Crash prevention techniques

Use your mirrors to help you prevent the following types of crashes:

Rear-end crash prevention

While maintaining proper following distance with traffic ahead, make frequent, quick glances to the mirrors to monitor traffic around the truck. Return your focus to the traffic ahead immediately.

Lane change crash prevention

  • Use the mirrors to monitor the space around the truck.
  • Be mindful of vehicles in your blind spots.
  • In conjunction with other lane change crash prevention techniques, monitor your mirrors until the maneuver is completed.

Backing accident prevention

In conjunction with other backing accident prevention techniques, use the mirrors to monitor the space around the truck and visually confirm signals from your spotter.

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