Commercial Property Insurance

Commercial Property Insurance Quotes

Agents who are familiar with commercial property risks.

Insuremart proudly helps fellow commercial property owners purchase insurance for their investments. Our agents provide an experienced approach to assist our clients through the insurance buying process. They will discuss common and required coverage, along with relatively lower-cost endorsements that protect you from risks unique to your operation. Who doesn’t want better coverage if it’s affordable?

Are you familiar with the Ordinance and Law endorsement? Should you carry it? Consider it if building codes in your area are updated often. Our agents are experienced with risk assessment and will provide guidance when risks are recognized. Contact one of our agents to get started with Insuremart.

And for the curious, the Ordinance and Law endorsement is designed to cover the increased costs of repairing or rebuilding your property if building codes have changed since your latest valuation. Commercial property owners in states with frequently changing codes, like areas of Florida and California, for example, should consider coverage.

Insuremart has direct access to



insurance carriers

Nobody can sell for less, and we work for you.

Insuremart helps insure fellow commercial property owners across 48 states.

Protection against risks that have the biggest impact on your property:

  • Fire, Smoke, Lightning: From a small electrical fire to a full-on blaze, this one restores and replaces when necessary.
  • Vandalism & Theft: Break-ins happen and vandals exist. Commercial property insurance helps you replace stolen goods and repair damages.
  • Wind, Hail, Violent Weather: Mother Nature is unmatched. This coverage can make recovery from a weather disaster more manageable.
  • Endorsements to consider: Flood and earthquake coverage, loss of income. Our agents will be happy to provide assist you further.

How Much Does It Cost?

Good to know: Insuremart works with over 100 insurance carriers. Nothing gives you an advantage when buying Commercial Property insurance — or any insurance — like a great agent and more options. Talk to our agents.

These numbers are wide ranging.

  • Small low-risk businesses: Often starting around $50 per month.
  • Larger operations: Could be hundreds or even thousands per month depending on your needs.

Typical Limits – How Much Coverage Do I Need?

You want enough to rebuild and replace, plain and simple. Consider:

  • Your building’s value: This includes material costs, labor costs, and local construction company costs.
  • The value of items on inside: Add up replacement costs of equipment, supplies, and inventory. Everything that’s inside the building.

Add More Protection with Endorsements

The following endorsements will provide more comprehensive protection than any limited coverage that may be provided in your base policy:

  • Business Income Insurance: Pays the bills when you are forced to shut down.
  • Equipment Breakdown: When that essential piece of equipment malfunctions, this helps with repairs.

Get a Commercial Property insurance quote from Insuremart right now. Our agents are ready to help.