Product Liability Insurance

Product Liability Insurance Quotes

Congratulations. Now it’s time protect your product and you.

Who knew someone would try to ride your product? It’s impossible to consider everything. Good thing for product liability insurance. Without it, legal fees and damages could take a toll on your business and financials.

This seems like the right time to call a professional insurance agent. May we suggest Insuremart? Our agents carry that unique knowledge and experience to help innovators understand and buy proper liability coverage for their products.

Talk to our agents to get valuable service and proper coverage. And don’t forget:

Insuremart has direct access to



insurance carriers

Nobody can sell for less, and we work for you.

Product creators require thoughtful risk assessment and management. That’s what great agents do.

What does product liability insurance cover?

If someone files a claim alleging your product caused bodily injury or property damage, the insurance helps cover:

  • Legal Fees: Even if the claim is unfounded, defending yourself is expensive. Consider legal fees unavoidable.
  • Judgments and Settlements: If you are found liable, this insurance can cover most or all the cost. Consider higher limits for more complete coverage.

Typical Limits and Costs?

Good to know: Insuremart works with over 100 insurance carriers. Nothing gives you an advantage when buying Product Liability insurance — or any insurance — like a great agent and more options. Talk to our agents.

If someone files a claim alleging your product caused bodily injury or property damage, the insurance helps cover:

  • Limits: $1 million to $5 million per incident are common, with higher aggregate limits for the policy year.
  • Costs: Expect a wide range, from a few hundred dollars annually for small, low-risk businesses to many thousands for larger operations.

Fine-tune with Endorsements

  • Vendor’s Liability: This is the right one for food trucks and trade show venders. This is more focused on specific risks vendors face. 
  • Completed Operations: Covers claims even after a project is done (think custom cabinet builders).
  • Worldwide Coverage: For those with an international consumer base.

Freedom to Innovate

Insuremart helps you focus on innovation and growth, knowing you’ve taken smart steps to safeguard your business. Nothing beats a great agent.

Get a Product Liability insurance quote from Insuremart right now. Our agents are ready to help.